鈴木健 Ken Suzuki

1975年長野県生まれ。1998年慶應義塾大学理工学部物理学科卒業。2009年東京大学大学院総合文化研究科博士課程修了。国際大学グローバル・コミュニケーション・センター主任研究員、東京財団仮想制度研究所フェローを経て、現在、スマートニュース株式会社代表取締役会長、東京大学総合文化研究科特任研究員。博士(学術)。著書に『NAM生成』(太田出版、共著)、『進化経済学のフロンティア』(日本評論社、共著)、『究極の会議』(ソフトバンククリエイティブ)、『現れる存在』(NTT出版、共訳書) 『なめらかな社会とその敵』(勁草書房より単行本、筑摩書房より文庫本) など。専門は複雑系科学、自然哲学。


Project Researcher, The University of Tokyo

Co-Founder and Executive Chair of the Board, SmartNews, Inc.

Ken Suzuki is a researcher specializing in complex systems science and natural philosophy. His primary research question is: How can we live in a complex world while preserving its complexity? Through science and technology, he investigates methods to establish a network where diverse elements remain interconnected. He earned his Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at The University of Tokyo in 2009, where he currently serves as a project researcher. He has authored several published works, including “Nameraka na Shakai to Sono Teki (The Nameraka(Smooth) Society and Its Enemies)”, which explores the potential for constructing a harmonious society devoid of conflicts or hierarchies. The original edition of “The Smooth Society and Its Enemies” was published in 2013. In 2022, he released a paperback edition featuring a new chapter that surveys the social issues that have arisen over the past decade. This publication is interpreted as the prediction of smart contract and inspired many young readers active in the Web3 and blockchain to form a new community engaged in vibrant discussions and practical activities centered around his concepts. He also co-translated Andy Clark’s “Being There” into Japanese, a seminal work in philosophy of neuroscience and cognitive science. In addition to his academic pursuits, he is a co-founder and Executive Chair of the Board of SmartNews, one of the world’s most popular news apps with over 50 million downloads globally. The app is trying to solve political polarization by showing both sides content in a fair way. SmartNews is founded in Japan and is one of few unicorn companies expanding business globally. He was recognized as the Entrepreneur of the Year by Forbes Japan in 2020 and Japan Startup Awards 2023 from Prime Minister Kishida. Balancing his focus between research and business, Ken Suzuki remains committed to the realization of a ‘nameraka(smooth) society’.

